Building a Sustainable Healthcare Micro Economy
Much of the world suffers from insufficient healthcare resources predicated on a depleting circle theory. That is, a lack of qualified physicians leads to few high-quality facilities, and an absence of well-developed facilities becomes a barrier to attracting high quality medical practitioners. In this environment, the opportunity for Healthcare Micro-Economic development is eliminated.
One process of developing and establishing a sustainable Healthcare Micro Economy is to blend an investment-based for profit health service predicated on high fee surgical procedures that both stems outmigration of local patients with the ability to pay and supports in-migration of regional patients with an equal ability to pay. The cost basis of for such a service in most of the developing world allows for well-trained physicians to be attracted to the service while containing costs via the lower cost levels of staff and supplies that generally exist. The off-shoot of such an effort is then the redirection of profits from either a government or non-profit administered resource to public health initiatives.
The Critical Pathway to the development of a sustainable Healthcare Micro Economy is:
- Funded analysis of both most appropriate for-profit services to be provided and the most significant outcome based public health needs.
- Investment in for-profit facility meeting international accreditation standards.
- Recruitment of U.S. and European trained medical staff.
- Establishment of medical education and training partnerships between host nation and U.S. medical schools/residency programs.
- Implementation of Public Health Priorities.
- Development of educational, technological, research and support industries of the Healthcare Micro Economy.
- Replacement of initial outside medical experts with local staff educated/trained in the U.S.
- Expansion of both for-profit and public health
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